
Nákupný park Humenné
Štefánikova 5119
066 01 Humenné
Show path to location
+421 574 450 240
48.9290148, 21.9105777
Opening hours
  • Pondelok
    09.00 - 20.00
  • Utorok
    09.00 - 20.00
  • Streda
    09.00 - 20.00
  • Štvrtok
    09.00 - 20.00
  • Piatok
    09.00 - 20.00
  • Sobota
    09.00 - 20.00
  • Nedeľa
    09.00 - 20.00
Location overview
Have you noticed any mistakes?

08. Feb 2017 at 17:07

An answer from an expert! Thanks for cogubirttinn.

05. Feb 2017 at 6:39

Thanks for writing such an eayrato-undesst-nd article on this topic.

04. Feb 2017 at 11:10

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