
NC Aupark
Veľká okružná 59A
010 01 Žilina
Show path to location
+421 413 213 330
49.2194334, 18.7381955
Opening hours
  • Pondelok
    09.00 - 21.00
  • Utorok
    09.00 - 21.00
  • Streda
    09.00 - 21.00
  • Štvrtok
    09.00 - 21.00
  • Piatok
    09.00 - 21.00
  • Sobota
    09.00 - 21.00
  • Nedeľa
    09.00 - 21.00
  • Deň boja za slobodu a demokraciu, 17. Nov
    opening hours are missing
Location overview
Have you noticed any mistakes?

08. Feb 2017 at 17:07

Right onthi-s helped me sort things right out.

05. Feb 2017 at 6:40

What a joy to find soeomne else who thinks this way.

04. Feb 2017 at 11:33

So cute!!! Fifi Lapin is darling. And even though I'm not an heiress I always have rich th.;ghts...oit'us just the way I am! Now, if only I can get the money part to cooperate with my "rich" thoughts...giggle...

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